* If you cannot find that option it is because you haven't installed NifScripts.
To extract then you can use the "BSA Browser" utility that comes with Fallout Mod Manager. Import the head mesh you want to adapt the hair for using the menu option File -> Import -> Netimmerse/Gamebyro (.nif) Notes: * The meshes and textures of the game are inside compressesd files with BSA format.
headfemale.nif: head mesh for female characters. headhuman.nif: head mesh for male characters. The head meshes of player characters are: Head meshes are usually located in the \Data\Meshes\characters\head\ folder. In Fallout there are several head meshes depending on the age and gender of the charaters (there is even a different head mesh for ghouls). Importing into Blender the Fallout head mesh and the hair meshįirst step is to import the head mesh you want to work with.
Add the hair to the game using the GECK.
Modify the hair mesh to fit Fallout head mesh. Importing into Blender the Fallout head mesh and the hair mesh. The main steps to follow when porting hairs to Fallout are: Note: If you are porting the hair to distribute it you must ask permission first to the original author of the hair, and always credit him for his work Required tools If you create a hair from scratch, apart from the steps explained here you will have to create the hair mesh, its UV map and its textures. This tutorial shows all the main steps you need to follow to port a hair from another game to Fallout 3. 3.7 Add the hair to the game using the GECK. 3.5.3 Apply the textures on both sides of the hair mesh. 3.2 Modify the hair mesh to fit Fallout head mesh. 3.1 Importing into Blender the Fallout head mesh and the hair mesh.