Multiple sections for Uniques explain in detail how to use each special bonus of the civilization.This is not a rating of its power, but an indicator of the most appropriate route to victory. The Victory Skew section describes to what extent the civ (and its individual leaders where applicable) is inclined towards particular victory routes.The Outline details the mechanics of how the civilization's unique features work and what their start bias is if they have one.This guide is divided into multiple sections explaining how best to use and play against this specific civ. And we reach out to those that share our commitment to righteousness, honour, fairness and truth, no matter where they may reside, for it is in this common cause we shall achieve justice for all. It is our very duty to protect the weak and young civilized states that share our continent so that we shall never again see tyranny upon our shores. Let us deal fairly but forcefully with the injustices of the world, for we have the power to do it. These content packs include exclusive civs, city-states, districts, buildings, wonders, natural wonders, resources, and a disaster, but not core game mechanics - all you need is the base game and the Gathering Storm expansion for those. Maya/Grand Colombia, Ethiopia, Byzantium/Gauls, Babylon, Vietnam/Kublai Khan, Portugal.Vikings, Poland, Australia, Persia/Macedon, Nubia, Khmer/Indonesia.
It also assumes you have all other Civ 6 content, listed below, though it is not necessary to have these to utilise the key strategies of each civ. Following this guide requires the Gathering Storm expansion.